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    1031 Tax Exchange


    Hey everyone! Have you heard about the 1031 exchange? It’s a tax-deferred exchange that allows real estate investors to sell their property and use the proceeds to buy a new one without paying capital gains taxes on the sale.

    This means that investors can defer paying taxes on their profits until they sell the replacement property. The 1031 exchange is a great way for investors to reinvest their money and grow their real estate portfolios without being held back by taxes.

    However, there are certain rules and requirements that investors must follow in order to qualify for the 1031 exchange. For example, the property being sold and the new property being purchased must be considered “like-kind” properties, and the investor must identify a replacement property within 45 days of the sale.

    If you’re a real estate investor looking to grow your portfolio and save on taxes, the 1031 exchange could be a great option for you. Do your research and consult with a tax professional to see if it’s the right choice for your specific situation. #1031exchange #realestateinvesting #taxdeferred #likekindproperties#taxes, #investmentstrategy, #wealthmanagement, #realestateinvestment, #propertyinvestment, #taxplanning, #1031exchangebenefits, #1031exchangeguide, #investoradvice, #capitalgainstax, #realestate1031, #taxlaws, #1031exchangesimplified, #1031exchangefaq, #investmentgrowth, #1031exchangebasics, #1031exchangeexplained, #1031exchange101.

    Call Tammy Campbell McNelis at 727.455.2351 for more information

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